Created by Mandi J Cox, Swagga Fit is the only one of it's kind any where in the world.
What is Swagga?
Ever just sang as loud as you can into your hairbrush? Or got really tipsy on a night out with your mates and danced like no one's watching? Well that's Swagga (without the booze). With real dance moves and no it's not Zumba. Swagga is inspired by dances from iconic dance videos, pop idols, movies, taking real dance moves and adaptng them so they are easy to follow (well some of them wink). From street dance to street jazz, commerical to broadway, disco to cheese, this class is jam packed with feel good moves and music.
Do I need to be able to dance?
Absolutely not. But you do have to love to dance, even if you think you can't. Swagga is all about the fun as much as it is the fitness, you will spend the whole hour singing. laughing, as well as probably turning the wrong way.
What are the benefits?
Swagga is high intensity, so you will burn over 500 calories, however you can take it at your own pace. There are turns and jumps but alternate moves are given. Swagga combines a structure like HIIT, from fast paced dance and high intensiy to slower moves, tricking your body into thinking you have stopped so you keep burning calories even after class has finished. It is amazing fun to have with your friend and you make friends, Swagga is just one big crazy family. Not only that but you release endorphines which leave you happy for hours.
Can I bring my child?
Yes. It is a fabulous fun class to enjoy with your child, all we ask is that if they need a rest, sit at the side until they want to join back in, otherwise it disrupts the class for the grownups if they are running around. Children are £4 under 18 and must be accompanied by an adult with consent. I recommend from age 8 but with your consent they can come younger
Swagga is something you just have to come along to and just try, no amount of words can describe the atmosphere and unique vibe Swagga Fit has.